Dani Verschoor

Creative Developer

Building stable and accessible software.

Web Development

Role: Back-end Developer
Technologies: NodeJS

Claire is an air quality sensor that gives personalized advice based on your indoor climate. I developed it's API, which accomodates both an IoT device and a mobile app.

Wooden case containing electronics. Text saying Claire with air highlighted.

Charon Login


Role: Back-end Developer
Technologies: Elixir

CharonLogin is an Elixir library for modular authentication procedures. Developers can define multi-factor authentication flows with a couple lines of configuration. Developed at YipYip.

Login prompt asking for a code and a password in Dutch. Text saying Charon Login.

Role: Developer
Technologies: PHP, WordPress

MissMatch is a WordPress plug-in to make your site more accessible. It looks at the colors used on your site and transforms them to increase the contrast, taking into account the WCAG.

Color wheel with a face and a bow. Text saying MissMatch.

Role: Solo Project
Technologies: ML5.js, HTML Canvas

A webgame to try out ML5.js. Using your webcam, it tracks facial movement and uses this as the controls.

3D rendered face with mouth open reaching for an apple.

App Development

Role: Solo Project
Technologies: Flutter, Elixir, Mapbox

Loopje is a navigation app that finds the most quiet routes instead of the quickest ones. I designed and developed both the app and API.

Map of lakeside city with two lines, representing routes, charted. A grey line goes through the city, a green line borders the lake itself.

Replay App


Role: Lead Developer
Technologies: React Native, Three.js

An app that can play back a person's recorded movements. Built to accomodate the client's IoT device, which records movement. Intended for use by physiotherapists.

3D render of a person inside an app. The app has playback controls.

Game Dev & Design

Role: Game Designer
Technologies: Unity 3D

Manor Madness is a 3D, third-person sandbox game. It focuses on fun derived from physical comedy. As a designer, I conducted weekly playtests and helped shape the gameplay mechanics.

Ghost zapping through a hallway and scaring people. Text saying Manor Madness.

Game Jams


Role: Developer, Designer, Artist
Technologies: Godot, PICO-8

Over the years I have participated in multiple game jams, forcing me to design and develop games in a short time-span, typically a weekend.

Four game titles: Unplugged, Pursuit, Earth Apple and Wager.